Monday, September 15, 2008

Dives 23 & 24 - Honeymoon Day 5

Up at 7 to get a yummy breakfast of plain yogurt w/honey and banana pancake. The banana's here are so much sweeter than we have back home. Here in Tulamben it looks similar to our pancakes, in Ubud, it was very thin, almost looking like a crepe but open face with sliced banana's on top. There's not syrup here so you use honey...just as good. Also in Ubud there was a breakfast item called a Jaffle. What a treat that was. Similar to stuffed french toast but it had brown sugar, toasted coconut & bananas...yum!

After breakfast we're off to our first dive, the USS Liberty. A large ship that during the war was torpedoed and sank by a Japanese submarine. During a large storm it was pushed on shore where it sat for many years. Finally the Balinese government decided to push it back into the water to make a reef. Now it barely resembles a ship as it is all broken up but is home to large number of fish, large and small, soft and hard coral. There was a very large fish that we saw called a bump head. He was around 4' long 3' wide, white body and black face and seemingly large white teeth with a big bump for a forehead. The water is so clear and beautiful with visibility being around 100+ ft. So much fun to see all the beautiful colorful fish. The water temp is around 82 degrees (nice bath!) and we go to a depth of 70' or so.

The amazing thing is the USS Liberty is only a 5 min boat ride from our resort and only 300 - 500 ft off shore. It's a very popular site for divers, photographers and snorkelers alike. We're able to dive for about 40 min then back to the resort for a little rest before our 2nd dive.

For the 2nd dive we head over near the Liberty to the "drop off wall" . A sloping hill with large boulders and again, tons of sea life.

We come back, have lunch and just relax and read the rest of the day. Perhaps a little dip in the pool that afternoon. Thankfully it's not quite as warm as Ubud and we have a wonderful breeze.

Dive 23
USS Liberty - Bali
Max Depth: 66 feet
Time: 33 minutes
Water Temp: 82 degrees
Visibility: 100 feet +

Dive 24
Drop Off - Bali
Max Depth: 84 feet
Time: 40 minutes
Water Temp: 82 degrees
Visibility: 100 feet +

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