Saturday, September 13, 2008

Honeymoon Day 3

To market, to market, to market we go... We decided to walk, thinking it wasn't much further than where we had stopped the day before. Maybe had it been not so hot and humid, it wouldn't have been so bad, but at least it gave me a chance to go into a few more little shops along the way. Once we arrived at the market, it was just this mass of people selling their wares one after the other. Funny thing was that they all sold primarily the same stuff. If you bought a t-shirt from one vendor the next one would try and sell you a couple more at a better price. Every one that we walked by they would point to their "store" and say please, you look. Some had nice silks, some just little trinkets, wood boxes & kids toys. It's all so crammed together that we had to step outside for a break. That's where we met a funny young man who was a taxi driver. Tourism is slow this time of year and it being afternoon he still had not had a fare. After convincing him we didn't want a taxi yet he finally relented and just talked to us. We did a little more shopping then sat at a great restaurant for lunch, afterward, we went back to the taxi and bargained a price for a ride. He initially wanted 50,000 Rp, I said 40,000 and he agreed (that's $4 US..heehee). He kept us laughing the whole way back. The reason I said 40,000 was so when we arrived I would give him 50,000 to include a tip. He was so happy and thankful to have such nice people in his taxi and to make a little money for his family.

To cool off, we took a lovely dip in the pool which overlooks the jungle.

Then back into town to see the traditional dance, just like what we saw at restaurant Laka Leke, but this night was done by a professional troupe. The music they play during the dance is so hypnotic and soothing I was having a hard time staying awake. Back to the resort for a little ice cream (amazing how good ice cream is when it's so hot) and off to bed.

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