Sunday, September 14, 2008

Honeymoon Day 4

Up early today to get breakfast and head to the spa for 1 last treatment. Today it will be a 60 min back, shoulder, neck massage then 30 min foot/leg reflexology & just for a little decadence we're getting our hair washed & dried.

Then we're off on a 2 hour drive to Tumlaben on the eastern coast of Bali where we will stay 6 nights. Everyone here is so nice and just waits on us hand & foot (something I can SO get used to!) our driver is a freelance driver named I Wayan Badas. Here first names, for men, are always the same depending on the order you were born. So because he is the 1st born, his name is I Wayan (I being pronounced as E). What a nice fellow, we had great conversation the whole way.

The Balinese are always too happy to practice their English (which is great for us!) but I am getting real good at only speaking in very short good or 2 Coca Cola, please. Amazing how Coca Cola is widely known, been around since the war, so it's always easy to get...that and bottled water. To save on plastic, they have you bring your bottle up to the front to get refilled from the large water jugs just like we have back in the states.

We just relax today to gear up for a great week of diving. Just like in Ubud, our room here is wonderful. Although instead of looking out over the jungle, we have a fabulous view of the Bali Sea. It's a little cottage (thankfully with air conditioning) with a connecting door for the bathroom which is outside. Not really outside as in everyone can see you, but open air. Each cottage has its own courtyard consisting of 2 little huts, 1 being a bar w/little fridge and the other a covered daybed looking out at the water. In between there is a large deep marble bathtub with candles around it and grass and stone steps. The courtyard is closed in by 2 wooden leading to the back patio/ water and the other to the path to the pool (which we just happen to be next to) and the other cottages. There's only 12 cottages total.

Our first night here, there's a group from Austria and 2 Asian couples, but they are all leaving the next day. So we have the whole resort to ourselves for 3 days until a large group from Singapore come. So nice and quiet being here all alone...we're getting awfully spoiled. Even having the divemaster to ourselves and arranging our own times for diving.

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