Thursday, September 11, 2008

Honeymoon Day 1

Our first stop was LAX, now that was scary. Not because it was LA but because the terminal they dumped us at was as deserted as a ghost town. No signs, no employees and not a single escalator worked. Of course we had to find the international terminal, so after some wrong turns and a long walk we finally made it. Looks like they are redoing the airport, we can only hope....

whoever said that flying international gave you more room, wasn't on the airline we were on. We were just as squished as a domestic flight yet, we had to sit there for 14 hours. But it was nice that we could watch any top release movie at our pleasure on our individual screen, I choose Iron Man. If you haven't seen it, I would highly recommend it.

Our 2nd stop was in Hong Kong. Now that's a beautiful airport, albeit a little confusing how to get up to the 2nd floor where the shops and the terminals are, but luckily everything is in English and people were helpful. Now remember, I've never been overseas before, so this is all new to me...but watch out, I'm quickly becoming a world traveler! So now, we're on the next and final leg of our trip, our 4.5 hour trip to Denspar.

We made it...hooray! Boy does my butt hurt. Nothing cures that better than standing in the Visa line for 1.5, sticky and crammed in like a whole bunch of cattle. Are they going through everyone's luggage? Are they interrogating everyone? Maybe they can let in only certain amount of people per hour. Nope, they are just very, very slow....

We get our luggage and find our driver to take us to Ubud, an hour drive away. Now, I had been told that there might be "toilets" that you just put your feet on each side of a porcelain whole, but I never thought I would have to experience it so soon. All I can say is ewww.

The drive was definitely one that you see in the know, the good guy out running the bad guys, zooming in and out of traffic, some in cars, some on motor bikes. Yeah, it's just like that except we weren't being chased. Using the horn at home, is a matter of telling someone to piss off...they cut you off, or merging into your lane while you are still there, etc. Here, it's a form of communication...on your right, on your left, coming through...and motor bikes and scooters zipping in and out even in the narrowest of margins. Lines in the road? Those are apparently only suggestions. A 2 lane street can become 3 to 4 going in either direction...zoom, zip, slow, speed up fast, go around, stop.

We arrive at our resort, Alam Indah and what a beautiful place it is. Surrounded by jungle with only the sound of the river, birds and the insects. We are greeted with a refreshing welcome drink and then whisked off to our room, beautifully sculpted stone and wood with thatched roofs.

For dinner we go to the Leke Laka, where we have a wonderful Asain buffet dinner and front row seats to the Joged and Children Dance performance. Joged is a traditional dance accompanied by bamboo musical instruments. I wish we hadn't forgotten the camera as I would have loved to show you how beautiful these young girls were in their dress and makeup. A perfect way to end the first day.

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